Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

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336.00 uah

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William Shawcross
Number of pages
Macmillan Publishing
16.5 x 5.4 x 24.2
Year of publication
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About the book Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Листи королеви Єлизавети Королеви-матері | Одним із найбільших одкровень в офіційній біографії Вільяма Шоукросса було приватне листування королеви Матері. «Спираючись на величезне багатство матеріалів у Королівському архіві, в замку Гламіс та інших місцях, Шоукросс склав підбірку цих листів. Її листи, починаючи з раннього дитинства, дають читачам яскраве уявлення про особистість, яка стоїть за публічною особою. Листи королеви Єлизавети, сповнені дотепністю, веселістю, гострою спостережливістю та глибоким почуттям обов'язку, є хронікою як її довгого життя, так і ХХ століття загалом.

Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother | One of the great revelations of William Shawcross's official biography was the Queen Mother's private correspondence. 'Now, drawing on the vast wealth of material in the Royal Archives, at Glamis Castle, and elsewhere, Shawcross has put together a selection of those letters. A prolific correspondent from her earliest childhood to the very end of her life, her letters offer readers a vivid insight into the person behind the public face. Full of wit, hilarity, acute observation and a deeply held sense of duty, Queen Elizabeth's letters constitute a chronicle both of her long life and of the twentieth century.

Other books by the author
William Shawcross
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Counting One's Blessings: Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

336.00 uah

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