Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas

Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas

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249.00 uah

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Michael Hawke ,A.W. McCombe
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About the book Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Хвороби вуха: кишеньковий атлас | Вступ містить огляд фізіології та функцій вуха з подальшим оглядом ембріології та інструментів, які зазвичай використовуються при отоскопічному дослідженні. Решта книги – це всебічний фото-атлас специфічних вушних захворювань, підкріплений детальними описами та розділений на глави про вушну раковину, зовнішній вушний канал і середнє вухо.

Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas | The introduction provides, in overview, the physiology and function of the ear, followed by sections reviewing embryology and tools typically used in otoscopic examination. The balance of the book is a comprehensive photographic atlas of specific ear diseases, supported by detailed written descriptions, separated into chapters on the pinna, the external ear canal and the middle ear.
Other books by the author
Michael Hawke ,A.W. McCombe
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas
Diseases of the Ear: A Pocket Atlas

249.00 uah

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