High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography

High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography

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299.00 uah

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Russ Heinl
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Firefly Books Ltd
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car ship plane
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About the book High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
Високо над Канадськими скелястими горами: Захоплюючі Аерофотографії |Адам Ельсгаймер, перша згадка про якого датована 1600, помер вже до кінця 1610. На відміну від Джорджиані, котрого не стало у Венеції на 100 років раніше, Ельсгаймер мав вагомий вплив на прийдешнє століття, не зважаючи на його коротку кар'єру та невеликий творчий доробок. Він чудово оволодів технікою гри зі світлом, драматичним контрастом, які надали нової глибини його стилю зображення об'єктів, та ледве вловимим поетичним відчуттям, що залишило специфічний післясмак усім його картинам. Дана збірка особлива тим, що у ній вперше зібрана така кількість якісних репродукцій робіт художника. Ця колекція картин всебічно розкриває надзвичайне чуття світла та атмосфери, яким володів Ельсгаймер.

High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography, | Adam Elsheimer is first recorded in 1600 and by 1610 he was dead. But, rather like Giorgione, who had died young in Venice 100 years earlier, Elsheimer was influential on the coming century to a degree out of all proportion to his brief career and small oeuvre. He developed a wonderful mastery of light, a dramatic chiaroscuro that gave new depth to his subject-matter, and a rather less definable poetic feeling that gives a very special savor to all his painting. What is remarkable about this volume is the number of quality reproductions of the artist's work that can be seen together for the first time. This collection of paintings demonstrates more comprehensively than ever before Elsheimer's extraordinary intuition for light and atmosphere.
Other books by the author
Russ Heinl
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography
High Above the Canadian Rockies: Spectacular Aerial Photography

299.00 uah

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