CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing

CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing

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599.00 грн

Є в наявності
James H. Moor
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Все про книгу CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
Кіберфілософія: перетин філософії та обчислювальної техніки | Цей передове дослідження забезпечує огляд нової динамічної галузі – кіберфілософії – перетину філософії та обчислювальної техніки. Воно показує, як обчислювальна техніка впливає на всі основні сфери філософії, і навпаки. Книга включає добірку нещодавно написаних міжнародними науковцями статей, зосереджених навколо п’яти стандартних філософських тем – інтелект, суб’єктність, реальність, спілкування та етика.

CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing | This cutting edge volume provides an overview of the dynamic new field of cyberphilosophy -- the intersection of philosophy and computing. It shows how computing is influencing all major areas of philosophy, and vice versa. The book comprises a selection of newly written by international scholars articles that are organised around five standard philosophical themes -- minds, agency, reality, communication and ethics.
Інші книги автора
James H. Moor
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing
CyberPhilosophy Intersection: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing

599.00 грн

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